Welcome to The Wanborough Trail and Story

The Trail was officially launched on 14th March 2020.

Photos and video gallery of ceremony →

The online elements will continue to be developed in future months and years.

We hope you will enjoy finding out a little about us as you look around our village and will use our on-line guide for more detailed information. To help you explore further we have produced 2 circular walking trails for you to follow, with information points along the way.

Take paper and a pencil along with you and collect up to 10 rubbings as you go, 1 at each information post.

The trails are approximately 2.5 miles long, can be combined for a longer walk or shortened to suit time and ability. Both trails are accessible for wheelchair and buggy users

blue route post
red route post

As you explore the area, our nature databases will help you to identify the animals, birds, trees and flowers that live in the parish with us. The databases will be available soon. You can access the databases from below.

Wild Flowers

wild flowers

Wild Animals

wild animals

Wild Birds

wild birds



This project is dedicated to all our residents past, present and future, without whom there would be no story to tell, no-one to keep it alive and no-one to add to it.

We wish to thank all those that have contributed to this project by providing data, photography, artwork and financial support. From here you can find out more about our project .